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LMC7211BIM5X 参数 Datasheet PDF下载

型号: LMC7211BIM5X
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内容描述: 微型CMOS比较器具有轨至轨输入和推挽输出 [Tiny CMOS Comparator with Rail-to-Rail Input and Push-Pull Output]
分类和应用: 比较器放大器放大器电路光电二极管
文件页数/大小: 13 页 / 332 K
品牌: NSC [ National Semiconductor ]
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C (V)  
Application Information (Continued)  
Q/V 100 picocolumb/100 mV  
10-10/10-1 10  
1 nF 0.001 µF  
10-9 1 nF 0.001 µF  
The voltage drop of 100 mV will cause a threshold shift in  
the comparator. This threshold shift will be reduced by the  
power supply rejection ratio, (PSRR). The PSRR which is  
applicable here is not the DC value of PSRR ( 80 dB), but a  
transient PSRR which will be usually about 20 dB–40 dB,  
depending on the circuit and the speed of the transient. This  
will result in an effective threshold shift of about 1 mV to  
10 mV.  
For precision and level sensing circuits, it is generally a good  
goal to reduce the voltage delta on the power supply to a  
value equal to or less than the hysteresis of the comparator  
circuit. If the above circuit was to be used with 50 mV of hys-  
teresis, it would be reasonable to increase the bypass ca-  
pacitor to 0.01 µF to reduce the voltage delta to 10 mV.  
Larger values may be useful for obtaining more accurate and  
consistent switching.  
FIGURE 2. Circuit for Measurement of the  
Shoot-Through Current  
Note that the switching current of the comparator can spread  
to other parts of the board as noise. The bypass capacitor re-  
duces this noise. For low noise systems this may be reason  
to make the capacitor larger.  
For non-precision circuits, such as using a comparator to de-  
termine if a push-button switch is on or off, it is often cheaper  
and easier to use a larger value of hysteresis and a small  
value or bypass capacitance. The low shoot-through current  
of the LMC7211 can allow the use of smaller and less expen-  
sive bypass capacitors in non-critical circuits.  
4.0 Output Short Circuit Current  
The LMC7211 has short circuit protection of 40 mA. How-  
ever, it is not designed to withstand continuous short circuits,  
transient voltage or current spikes, or shorts to any voltage  
beyond the supplies. A resistor in series with the output  
should reduce the effect of shorts. For outputs which send  
signals off PC boards additional protection devices, such as  
diodes to the supply rails, and varistors may be used.  
FIGURE 3. Measurement of the Shoot-Through Current  
From Figure 3, the shoot-through current for the LMC7211  
can be calculated to be 0.2 mA (typical), and the duration is  
1 µs. The values needed for the bypass capacitors can be  
calculated as follows:  
5.0 Hysteresis  
If the input signal is very slow or very noisy, the comparator  
output might trip several times as the input signal passes  
through the threshold. Using positive feedback to add hys-  
teresis to the switching can reduce or eliminate this problem.  
The positive feedback can be added by a high value resistor  
(RF). This will result in two switching thresholds, one for in-  
creasing signals and one for decreasing signals. A capacitor  
can be added across RF to increase the switching speed and  
provide more short term hysteresis. This can result in greater  
noise immunity for the circuit.  
Area of ∆  
(1 µs x 200 µA)  
100 pC  
See Figure 4, Figure 5 and Figure 6.  
The capacitor needs to supply 100 picocolumb. To avoid  
large shifts in the comparator threshold due to changes in  
the voltage level, the voltage drop at the bypass capacitor  
should be limited to 100 mV or less.  
Note that very heavy loading of the comparator output, such  
as LED drive or bipolar logic gates, will change the output  
voltage and shift the voltage thresholds.  
The charge needed (100 picocolumb) and the allowable volt-  
age drop (100 mV) will give us the minimum capacitor value  