REI Datasheet
SN54190, SN54191, SN54LS190, SN54LS191
SN74190, SN74191, SN74LS190, SN74LS191
Synchronous Up/Down Counters with Down/Up Mode Control
The ‘190, ‘LS190, ‘191, and ‘LS191 are synchronous, reversible up/down counters having a
complexity of 58 equivalent gates. The ‘191 and ‘LS191 are 4-bit binary counters and the ‘190
and ‘LS190 are BCD counters. Synchronous operation is provided by having all flip-flops clocked
simultaneously so that the outputs change coincident with each other when so instructed by the
steering logic. This mode of operation eliminates the output counting spikes normally associated with
asynchronous (ripple clock) counters.
Quality Overview
Rochester Electronics
Manufactured Components
AS9120 certification
Qualified Manufacturers List (QML) MIL-PRF-38535
Rochester branded components are
manufactured using either die/wafers
purchased from the original suppliers
or Rochester wafers recreated from the
original IP. All recreations are done with
the approval of the OCM.
Class Q Military
Class V Space Level
Qualified Suppliers List of Distributors (QSLD)
Rochester is a critical supplier to DLA and
meets all industry and DLA standards.
Parts are tested using original factory
test programs or Rochester developed
test solutions to guarantee product
meets or exceeds the OCM data sheet.
RochesterElectronics, LLCiscommittedtosupplying
products that satisfy customer expectations for
quality and are equal to those originally supplied by
industry manufacturers.
The original manufacturer’s datasheet accompanying this document reflects the performance
and specifications of the Rochester manufactured version of this device. Rochester Electronics
guarantees the performance of its semiconductor products to the original OEM specifications.
‘Typical’ values are for reference purposes only. Certain minimum or maximum ratings may be
based on product characterization, design, simulation, or sample testing.
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