Address 00h
Bit 2
Default (“1”) enables the real mix mode. The I and
Q data channels are individually modulated by fS/2,
fS/4, or fS/8 after the interpolation filters. However,
no complex modulation is done. In the complex mix
mode (Logic “0”), the digital modulators on the I and
Q data channels are coupled to create a digital com-
plex modulator. When the AD9777 is applied in
conjunction with an external quadrature modulator,
rejection can be achieved of either the higher or lower
frequency image around the second IF frequency (i.e.,
the second IF frequency is the LO of the analog
quadrature modulator external to the AD9777)
according to the bit value of Register 01h, Bit 1.
Bit 7
Logic “0” (default) causes the SDIO pin to act as
an input during the data transfer (Phase 2) of the
communications cycle. When set to “1,” SDIO
can act as an input or output, depending on Bit 7 of
the instruction byte.
Bit 6
Bit 5
Logic “0” (default). Determines the direction
(LSB/MSB first) of the communications and data
transfer communications cycles. Refer to the section
MSB/LSB Transfers for a detailed description.
Writing a “1” to this bit resets the registers to their
default values and restarts the chip. The RESET bit
always reads back “0.” Register Address 00h bits
are not cleared by this software reset. However, a
high level at the RESET pin forces all registers,
including those in Address 00h, to their default state.
Bit 1
Bit 0
Logic “0” (default) causes the complex modulation to
be of the form e–jt, resulting in the rejection of the
higher frequency image when the AD9777 is used
with an external quadrature modulator. A Logic “1”
causes the modulation to be of the form e+jt, which
causes rejection of the lower frequency image.
Bit 4
Bit 3
Bit 2
Sleep mode. A Logic “1” to this bit shuts down the
DAC output currents.
In two port mode, a Logic “0” (default) causes Pin 8
to act as a lock indicator for the internal PLL. A
Logic “1” in this register causes Pin 8 to act as a
DATACLK, either generating or acting as an input
clock (see Register 02h, Bit 3) at the input data rate
of the AD9777.
Power-Down. Logic “1” shuts down all analog
and digital functions except for the SPI port.
1R/2R Mode. The default (“0”) places the AD9777
in two resistor mode. In this mode, the IREF currents
for the I and Q DAC references are set separately
by the RSET resistors on FSADJ1 and FSADJ2 (Pins
60 and 59). In the 2R mode, assuming the coarse
gain setting is full scale and the fine gain setting
is “0,” IFULLSCALE1 = 32 × VREF/FSADJ1 and
IFULLSCALE2 = 32 × VREF/FSADJ2. With this bit set
to “1,” the reference currents for both I and Q
DACs are controlled by a single resistor on Pin 60.
IFULLSCALE in one resistor mode for both the I and
Q DACs is half of what it would be in the 2R mode,
assuming all other conditions (RSET, register settings)
remain unchanged. The full-scale current of each DAC
can still be set to 20 mA by choosing a resistor of half
the value of the RSET value used in the 2R mode.
Address 02h
Bit 7
Logic “0” (default) causes data to be accepted on
the inputs as two’s complement binary. Logic “1”
causes data to be accepted as straight binary.
Bit 6
Logic “0” (default) places the AD9777 in two port
mode. I and Q data enters the AD9777 via Ports 1
and 2, respectively. A Logic “1” places the AD9777
in one port mode in which interleaved I and Q
data is applied to Port 1. See the Pin Function
Descriptions for DATACLK/PLL_LOCK, IQSEL,
and ONEPORTCLK for detailed information on
how to use these modes.
Bit 5
DATACLK Driver Strength. With the internal PLL
disabled and this bit set to Logic “0,” it is recom-
mended that DATACLK be buffered. When this bit
is set to Logic “1,” DATACLK acts as a stronger
driver capable of driving small capacitive loads.
Bit 1
PLL_LOCK Indicator. When the PLL is enabled,
reading this bit will give the status of the PLL. A
Logic “1” indicates the PLL is locked. A Logic “0”
indicates an unlocked state.
Address 01h
Bits 7, 6
Bit 4
Bit 2
Bit 1
Default Logic “0.” A value of “1” inverts
DATACLK at Pin 8.
Filter interpolation rate according to the follow-
ing table:
Default Logic “0.” A value of “1” inverts
The default of Logic “0” causes IQSEL = 1 to
direct input data to the I channel, while IQSEL = 0
directs input data to the Q channel. A Logic “1” in
this register inverts the sense of IQSEL.
Bits 5, 4
Bit 3
Modulation mode according to the following table:
Bit 0
The default of Logic “0” defines IQ pairing as IQ,
IQ... while programming a Logic “1” causes the
pair ordering to be QI, QI...
Logic “1” enables zero stuffing mode for interpola-
tion filters.
REV. 0