Quad 14-Bit, 10 MSPS Sampling A/D Converter
+VDD (AB, CD) - Pins 19, 22: Supply voltage for digital circuitry± Chan-
nels AB share common supply pin, channels CD share common supply pin±
Bypass to respective OGND pins with 1uF and 0±1uF ceramic capacitors±
Pin Number Name
Signal Input for Respective Channel
1, 7, ꢁ8, 33
ꢁ, 8, ꢁ7, 3ꢁ
3, 9, ꢁ6, 31
INPUT (A, C, D, B)
SGND (A, C, D, B)
Signal Ground for Respective Channel
OGND (AB, CD) - Pins 18, 23: Output ground (OGND_AB and OGND_CD
returns) for associated channels± OGND is connected to AGND and other
OGND at strategic locations within the ADSQ-1410±
OFFSET ADJ (A, C, D, B) Offset Adjust for Respective Channel
4, 10, ꢁ2, 30 ꢂ2ꢀ (A, C, D, B)
2, 11 -2ꢀ (A, C, D, B)
6, 1ꢁ, ꢁ4, ꢁ9 AGND (AB, CD)
ꢂ2ꢀ Analog Supply for Respective Channel
-2ꢀ Analog Supply for Respective Channel
Analog Ground for Respective Channel
Channel A Range Adjustment
DATA_OUT_CD – Pins 34 – 47: Digital data from channels C&D are buffered
internally, with the capability of selecting between active and High-Z states,
and brought out on the DATA_OUT_CD pins± Selection between C or D is con-
trolled by EN_C and EN_D control pins± DATA OUT employs the offset binary
coding format and is powered from ꢂꢀDD_CD supply±
ꢂꢁ±2ꢀ REF
Range D
ꢂꢁ±2ꢀ Reference Output ꢀoltage
Channel C Range Adjustment
Channel D Range Adjustment
OVERFLOW_CD - Pin 21: Overflow is a digital output that is multiplexed onto
the output data bus in the same manner as the data bits and is enabled or
inactive (High-Z) along with the corresponding) data outputs (same latency
delay via the respective EN control pin± The signal is LO when the data is
within the valid input range of the corresponding A/D converter and HI when
the input signal is: ꢂFS-1/ꢁLSB <input> -FS-1/ꢁLSB±
Range B
Channel B Range Adjustment
18, ꢁ3
19, ꢁꢁ
ꢂꢀDD (AB, CD)
Digital Ground for Respective Channel
Output Supply for Respective Channel
Data Output Bits for Channels C&D
Overflow/Underflow for Channels C&D
Output Enable Channel B
EN_C - Pin 51: Control pin for channel C output data± The data output for
channel C is buffered internally with the capability to select between active
and High-Z states± The channel C data output shares pins with channel D
(DATA_OUT_CD)± Caution must be exercised to assure that channel C and
channel D are not enabled at the same time± A LO enables the corresponding
channel's output data; a HI places the channel into a High-Z state±
Output Enable Channel D
Start Convert for all Channels
Output Enable Channel C
Output Enable Channel A
Data Output Bits for Channels A&B
Overflow/Underflow for Channels A&B
EN_D - Pin 49: Control pin for channel D output data± The data output for
channel D is buffered internally with the capability to select between active
and High-Z states± The channel D data output shares pins with channel C
(DATA_OUT_CD)± Caution must be exercised to assure that channel D and
channel C are not enabled at the same time±
Table 3. Pin Function Description
INPUT (A, C, D, B) - Pins 1, 7, 28, 33: Analog Input Signal for respective
DATA_OUT_AB – Pins 53 – 66: Digital data from channels A&B are buffered
internally, with the capability of selecting between active and High-Z states,
and brought out on the DATA_OUT_AB pins± Selection between A or B is
controlled by EN_A and EN_B control pins± DATA OUT employs the offset
binary coding format and is powered from ꢂꢀDD_AB supply± A LO enables
the corresponding channel's output data; a HI places the channel into a
High-Z state±
SGND (A, C, D, B) - Pins 2, 8, 27, 32: Signal ground for respective chan-
nels± SGND connected to AGND and DGND at strategic locations within the
OFFSET ADJ (A, C, D, B) - Pins 3, 9, 26, 31: Provides independent offset
adjustment for each channel± Designed for ± voltages applied to OFFSET
ADJ pin; leave floating or tied to GND for non-adjustment applications± Apply-
ing -1ꢀ reduces output by approx± 76 codes; applying ꢂ1±0ꢀ increases output
by approx± 76 codes with RANGE = ꢁ±2ꢀ±
OVERFLOW_AB - Pin 20: Overflow is a digital output that is multiplexed onto
the output data bus in the same manner as the data bits and is enabled or
inactive (High-Z) along with the corresponding) data outputs (same latency
delay via the respective EN control pin± The signal is LO when the data is
within the valid input range of the corresponding A/D converter and HI when
the input signal is: ꢂFS-1/ꢁLSB <input> -FS-1/ꢁLSB±
+5V (A, C, D, B) - Pins 4, 10, 25, 30: Individual ꢂ2ꢀ analog supply pins for
each channel± Bypass to respective AGND pins with 1uF and 0±1uF ceramic
-5V (AB, CD) - Pins 5, 11: Individual -2ꢀ analog supply pins for each chan-
EN_A - Pin 52: Control pin for channel A output data± The data output for
channel A is buffered internally with the capability to select between active
and High-Z states± The channel A data output shares pins with channel B
(DATA_OUT_AB)± Caution must be exercised to assure that channel A and
channel B are not enabled at the same time± A LO enables the corresponding
channel's output data; a HI places the channel into a High-Z state±
nel± Bypass to respective AGND pins with 1uF and 0±1uF ceramic capacitors±
AGND (A, C, D, B) - Pins 6, 12, 24, 29: Analog ground (ꢂ2ꢀ and -2ꢀ returns)
for respective channels± AGND connected to SGND and DGND at strategic
locations within the ADSQ-1410±
RANGE (A, B, C, D) - Pin 13, 15, 16, 17: Used with ꢂꢁ±2ꢀ REF to select the
respective channel's full scale input range and fine gain adjustment± See
Range and Calibration section±
EN_B - Pin 48: Control pin for channel B output data± The data output for
channel B is buffered internally with the capability to select between active
and High-Z states± The channel B data output shares pins with channel A
(DATA_OUT_AB)± Caution must be exercised to assure that channel B and
channel A are not enabled at the same time± A LO enables the corresponding
channel's output data; a HI places the channel into a High-Z state±
+2.5V REF - Pin 14: Precision ꢂꢁ±2ꢀ output voltage used with RANGE to
select full scale input range for all channels± See Range and Calibration sec-
tion± Bypass to AGND Plane±
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14 Jan 2013 MDA_ADSQ.B03 Page 7 of 11