10 Amps • 2PDT
To MIL-PRF-83536
Operate/Release Time:
DC Coil
15 ms max 50 ms max
Excluding bounce time at nominal coil voltage
AC Coil
Contact Arrangement..............................2PDT (2 Form C)
Weight............................................................1.6 oz approx.
Designed to meet the requirements of MIL-PRF-83536
Contact Bounce Time..........................................1 ms max
@ rated contact load, 28 VDC
Contact Voltage Drop:
Before Life ............................... 100 mv max @ 10 Amps
and 6 VDC
After Life .................................. 125 mv max @ 10 Amps
and 6 VDC
Contact Rating (Note 1):
Resistive......................................10 Amps @ 28 VDC or
115/208V 400 Hz
(Case Grounded)
Temperature Range.................................. -70oC to +125oC
Vibration (Note 2).................................0.12" DA 10 - 70 Hz
30 G's 70 - 3,000 Hz
Inductive........................................8 Amps @ 28 VDC or
115/208V 400 Hz
2.5 Amps @ 115/208V 60 Hz
(Case Grounded)
Shock (Operating)(Note 2) .............................200 G's 6 ms
Motor.............................................4 Amps @ 28 VDC or
115/208V 400 Hz
2 Amps @ 115/208V 60 Hz
Duty Cycle......................................................... Continuous
Insulation Resistance ..................................100 megohms
@ 500V 25oC
(Case Grounded)
Lamp.............................................2 Amps @ 28 VDC or
115/208V 400 Hz
Dielectric Strength:
1.5 Amps @ 115/208V 60 Hz
Sea Level:
(Case Grounded)
Contact to Case..................................... 1,250 VRMS
Contact to Coil ....................................... 1,250 VRMS
Coil to Case ........................................... 1,000 VRMS
Across Open Contacts........................... 1,250 VRMS
80,000 Feet:
Life ....................... 100,000 operations minimum @ rated
resistive load, 125oC
Pull In Power..............................................500 mw approx.
All Points................................................... 350 VRMS
MIL-PRF-83536/9 QUALIFIED to ER level M
1. For other ratings consult the factory.
AC coil line frequency 50 to 400 Hz.
2. For applications requiring higher shock and
vibration, consult the factory.
14930 E. Alondra Blvd., La Mirada, CA 90638-5752 (714) 994-6500 FAX (714) 994-3013
W:2000, Rev. 8