block erasure. During the first write cycle, a Command
20H (Erase Setup) is first written to the Command
Register, followed by the Command D0H (Erase Con-
firm). These commands require both appropriate com-
mand data and an address within Block to be erased.
Also, Block erasure can only occur when VPP= VPPH.
The following operations are initiated by observing the
sequence specified in the Write Command Table.
Read Array
The device can be put into a Read Array Mode by
initiating a write cycle with FFH on the data bus. The
device is also in a standard Read Array Mode after the
initial device power up and when comes out of the Deep
Power-Down mode.
Block preconditioning, erase and verify are all handled
internally by the Write State Machine, invisible to the
system. After receiving the two command erase se-
quence the CAT28F001 automatically outputs Status
Register data when read (Fig.5). The CPU can detect
the completion of the erase event by checking if the
SR.7 of the Status Register is set.
Signature Mode
An alternative method for reading device signature (see
Read Operations Signature Mode), is initiated by writing
the code 90H into the command register. A read cycle
from address 0000H with CE and OE low (and WE high)
will output the device signature.
SR.5 will indicate whether the erase was successful. If
aneraseerrorisdetected, theStatusRegistershouldbe
cleared. The device will be in the Status Register Read
Mode until another command is issued.
Catalyst Code = Catalyst Code = 0011 0001 (31H)
The Erase Suspend Command allows erase sequence
interruption in order to read data from another block of
memory. Once the erase sequence is started, writing
the Erase Suspend command (B0H) to the Command
Register requests that the WSM suspend the erase
sequence at a predetermined point in the erase algo-
rithm. The CAT28F001 continues to output Status Reg-
is written to it. Polling the WSM Status and Erase
Suspend Status bits will determine when the erase
operation has been suspended (both will be set to “1s”).
A Read cycle from address 0001H retrieves the
binary code for the device on outputs I/O7 to I/O0:
CAT28F001T = 1001 0100 (94H)
CAT28F001B = 1001 0101 (95H)
To terminate the operations, it is necessary to write
another valid command into the register.
The device may now be given a Read ARRAY Com-
mand, which allows any locations 'not within the block
being erased' to be read. Also, you can either perform
a Read Status Register or resume the Erase Operation
by sending Erase Resume (D0H), at which time the
WSM will continue with the erase sequence. The Erase
Suspend Status and WSM Status bits of the Status
Register will be cleared.
The 28F001 contains an 8-bit Status Register. The
Status Register is polled to check for write or erase
completion or any related errors. The Status Register
may be read at any time by issuing a Read Status
Register (70H) command. All subsequent read opera-
tions output data from the Status Register, until another
valid command is issued. The contents of the Status
Register are latched on the falling edge of OE or CE ,
whichever occurs last in the read cycle. OE or CE must
be toggled to VIH before further reads to update the
status register latch.
Programmingisexecutedbyatwo-writesequence. The
program Setup command (40H) is written to the Com-
mand Register, followed by a second write specifying
the address and data (latched on the rising edge of WE)
to be programmed. The WSM then takes over, control-
ling the program and verify algorithms internally. After
the two-command program sequence is written to it, the
CAT28F001 automatically outputs Status Register data
when read (see figure 4; Byte Program Flowchart). The
CPU can detect the completion of the program event by
analyzing the WSM Status bit of the Status Register.
Only the Read Status Register Command is valid while
programming is active.
set to 1 by the WSM and can only be reset issuing Clear
Status Register (50H) These two bits can be polled for
failures, thus allowing more flexibility to the designer
when using the CAT28F001. Also, VPP Status (SR.3)
when set to 1 must be reset by system software before
Erase is executed one block at a time, initiated by a two
cycle command sequence. The two cycle command
sequence provides added security against accidental
Doc. No. 25071-00 2/98 F-1