Normally, the SYNC line is kept low for at least 16 falling
edges of SCLK and the DAC is updated on the 16th SCLK
falling edge. However, if SYNC is brought high before the 16th
falling edge, the shift register is reset and the write sequence
is invalid. The DAC register is not updated and there is no
change in the mode of operation or in the output voltage.
The power-on reset circuit controls the output voltage during
power-up. Upon application of power the DAC register is filled
with zeros and the output voltage is 0 Volts and remains there
until a valid write sequence is made to the DAC.
FIGURE 5. ADSP-2101/2103 Interface
2.1.2 80C51/80L51 Interface
A serial interface between the DAC121S101 and the
80C51/80L51 microcontroller is shown in Figure 6. The
SYNC signal comes from a bit-programmable pin on the mi-
crocontroller. The example shown here uses port line P3.3.
This line is taken low when data is to transmitted to the
DAC121S101. Since the 80C51/80L51 transmits 8-bit bytes,
only eight falling clock edges occur in the transmit cycle. To
load data into the DAC, the P3.3 line must be left low after the
first eight bits are transmitted. A second write cycle is initiated
to transmit the second byte of data, after which port line P3.3
is brought high. The 80C51/80L51 transmit routine must rec-
ognize that the 80C51/80L51 transmits data with the LSB first
while the DAC121S101 requires data with the MSB first.
The DAC121S101 has four modes of operation. These
modes are set with two bits (DB13 and DB12) in the control
TABLE 1. Modes of Operation
ꢀOperating Mode
Normal Operation
Power-Down with 5kΩ to GND
Power-Down with 100kΩ to GND
Power-Down with Hi-Z
When both DB13 and DB12 are 0, the device operates nor-
mally. For the other three possible combinations of these bits
the supply current drops to its power-down level and the out-
put is pulled down with either a 5kΩ or a 100kΩ resistor, or is
in a high impedance state, as described in Table 1.
The bias generator, output amplifier, the resistor string and
other linear circuitry are all shut down in any of the power-
down modes. Minimum power consumption is achieved in the
power-down mode with SCLK disabled and SYNC and DIN
idled low.
FIGURE 6. 80C51/80L51 Interface
2.1.3 68HC11 Interface
A serial interface between the DAC121S101 and the 68HC11
microcontroller is shown in Figure 7. The SYNC line of the
DAC121S101 is driven from a port line (PC7 in the figure),
similar to the 80C51/80L51.
2.0 Applications Information
The simplicity of the DAC121S101 implies ease of use. How-
ever, it is important to recognize that any data converter that
utilizes its supply voltage as its reference voltage will have
essentially zero PSRR (Power Supply Rejection Ratio).
Therefore, it is necessary to provide a noise-free supply volt-
age to the device.
The 68HC11 should be configured with its CPOL bit as a zero
and its CPHA bit as a one. This configuration causes data on
the MOSI output to be valid on the falling edge of SCLK. PC7
is taken low to transmit data to the DAC. The 68HC11 trans-
mits data in 8-bit bytes with eight falling clock edges. Data is
transmitted with the MSB first. PC7 must remain low after the
first eight bits are transferred. A second write cycle is initiated
to transmit the second byte of data to the DAC, after which
PC7 should be raised to end the write sequence.
Interfacing the DAC121S101 to microprocessors and DSPs
is quite simple. The following guidelines are offered to hasten
the design process.
2.1.1 ADSP-2101/ADSP2103 Interfacing
Figure 5 shows a serial interface between the DAC121S101
and the ADSP-2101/ADSP2103. The DSP should be set to
operate in the SPORT Transmit Alternate Framing Mode. It is
programmed through the SPORT control register and should
be configured for Internal Clock Operation, Active Low Fram-
ing and 16-bit Word Length. Transmission is started by writing
a word to the Tx register after the SPORT mode has been
FIGURE 7. 68HC11 Interface
2.1.4 Microwire Interface
Figure 8 shows an interface between a Microwire compatible
device and the DAC121S101. Data is clocked out on the rising
edges of the SCLK signal.