HDI Series
Amplified pressure sensors
DATA valid (D): State of data line represents valid data when,
after START condition, data line is stable for duration of
HIGH period of clock signal. Data on line must be
changed during LOW period of clock signal. There is
one clock pulse per bit of data.
The HDI is capable to generate a digital output signal. The
device runs a cyclic program, which will store a corrected
pressure value with 12 bit resolution about every 250 µs
within the output registers of the internal ASIC. In order to
use the sensor for digital signal readout, it should be con-
nected to a bidirectional I²C-bus.
Acknowledge (A): Data is transferred in pieces of 8 bits
(1 byte) on serial bus, MSB first. After each byte receiving
device – whether master or slave – is obliged to pull
data line LOW as acknowledge for reception of data.
Master must generate an extra clock pulse for this pur-
pose. When acknowledge is missed, slave transmitter
becomes inactive. It is on master either to send last com-
mand again or to generate STOP condition in that case.
According to the I²C-bus specification, the bus is control-
led by a master device, which generates the clock signal,
controls the bus access and generates START and STOP
conditions. The HDI is designed to work as a slave, hence
it will only respond to requests from a master device.
Digital I²C interface
Slave address: The I²C-bus master-slave concept requires
a unique address for each device. The HDI has a
preconfigured slave address (1111000xb). By factory pro-
gramming it is possible to define a secondary slave
address additional to the general one. According to I²C
specification 127 different addresses are available. The
sensor will then listen to both slave addresses. After
generating a START condition the master sends the
address byte containing a 7 bit address followed by a
data direction bit (R/W). A "0" indicates a transmission
from master to slave (WRITE), a "1" indicates a data
request (READ).
The HDI complies with the following protocol (Fig. 1):
Bus not busy: During idle periods both data line (SDA) and
clock line (SCL) remain HIGH.
START condition (S): HIGH to LOW transition of SDA line
while clock (SCL) is HIGH is interpreted as START con-
dition. START conditions are always generated by the
master. Each initial request for a pressure value has to
begin with a START condition.
STOP condition (P): LOW to HIGH transition of SDA line while
clock (SCL) is HIGH determines STOP condition. STOP
conditions are always generated by the master. More than
one request for the current pressure value can be trans-
mitted without generation of intermediate STOP condition.
DATA operation: The sensor starts to send 2 data bytes con-
taining the current pressure value as a 15 bit information
placed in the output registers.
Data allowed
to change
S Slave Address R/W A Data Byte 1
Data Byte 2
Data Byte 1
Read out of first pressure value
Read out of n pressure values (optional)
S = START condition
A = Acknowledge
Data Byte 1 = High Byte (MSB first)
Data Byte 2 = Low Byte (LSB last)
generated by master
generated by slave
P = STOP condition
Fig. 1: I²C bus protocol
E / 11650 / A