HIP0080, HIP0081
provides an output which is passed to the DI input of the
Diagnostic Interface Overview
following IC and is passed on as an OR’ed bit to the DO
output of the last IC in the cascade. A fault condition is
immediately evident without reading all diagnostic data bits.
However, all bits must be read to determine which chip and
which diagnostic bit has been set. The Fault Flag is reset
by the CLK input when the bits are read. When no fault
condition is detected, it is not necessary to toggle the CLK
input. When a fault is detected, at least one toggle of the
clock is needed to reset the parallel diagnostic register
which clears the register of all detected fault states.
HIP0080, HIP0081Each Quad Inverting Power Driver IC
may be used as a single power switching driver, with or
without the diagnostic interface. Where more than 4 Power
Driver Switches are required, the HIP0080 or HIP0081
may be used in a multiple IC cascade connection. In
cascade operation, the diagnostic data from all chips is
read as a single serial sequence of fault bits. As shown in
the Functional Block Diagram each output stage has
voltage and temperature sensors to detect fault conditions
while comparators and delay filters process the data. Four
bits of diagnostic information is provided as fault feedback
from each of the four output stages. When detected, the
diagnostic data is put in a parallel diagnostic data register.
Using the diagnostic control interface to address the
system (one or more ICs in cascade), the fault data is
transferred from the parallel diagnostic data register to a
serial diagnostic data register as a sequence of 16 bits for
each IC.
HIP0080, HIP0081The last IC in the string ORs its own 16
fault bits in the parallel diagnostic register data and sends
this data bit to an Error Flag register. The Error Flag
register outputs the presence of a fault in one or more bits
of the parallel diagnostic data register. As shown in Figure
2, the Error Flag is the first bit in front of the serial register
and is input to OR Gate, U7 with the DI input. The DI input
passes thru AND Gate, U6 when the GATE signal is high
and output via the amplifier U8 to DO. The output amplifier
U8 is active only while CS is low. When CS is low, the RS
Flip-Flop drives the GATE output high. When the GATE is
high, the cascaded DF bits are jammed from DI to DO. All
Error Flags in the cascade are cleared (by the CLK input)
when the serial diagnostic data is clocked out of DO.
HIP0080, HIP0081All diagnostic data bits may be read
using the Chip Select (CS) and the Clock (CLK) inputs. The
CLK input must be low, when CS goes active low. After
reading the first bit at DO to determine if there is an error
flag, the following 16 bits of serial diagnostic data may be
clocked out of DO. Clocking the CLK input synchronously
shifts the serial register data out of DO while cascaded
data (from other devices or sources) is shifted into the DI
input. As data is shifted out of DO, the parallel diagnostic
data register is cleared on the first rising edge of the CLK
input, following the CS low. After each 16 clocks, cascaded
diagnostic data from the next IC in sequence is then shifted
out of the DO output. Shifting the serial diagnostic data out
of DO is done as a continuous sequence, reading the data
from all ICs in cascade while CS remains low. New
diagnostic data can be stored in the parallel diagnostic data
registers on each IC while the existing serial diagnostic
data is read.
HIP0080, HIP0081The GATE is an internal control signal
that is forced high when the CLK input is low and CS goes
low. The GATE will remain high, even when CS is returned
to a high state, provided the CLK input has not changed
from a low state. This condition still applies when fault data
is detected. The DO output is not latched; however, the
Error Flag is latched when CS goes low and will not be
updated until the next time CS goes low. The fault data is
preserved as long as the CLK input does not go high. If the
CLK is high when CS goes low, the GATE will be disabled
and no cascade data will be shifted from DI to DO. Under
normal conditions, the CLK signal goes high to switch the
GATE low and simultaneously shifts the first of 16
HIP0080, HIP0081Referring to Figure 1 and Figure 2, there
are two sources that generate an OR’ed Fault Flag at DO
when CS goes low. The two fault data sources are (1) the
on-chip fault detection and (2) the off-chip DI input from
front end ICs in the cascade. The fault data bit, labeled DF
(Data Fault) in Figure 2, contains the OR’ed inputs from
both sources. The DF bit is not part of the 16-bit serial
diagnostic data sequence. In cascaded operation, the DI
input for the first of the selected chips should be tied low.
And, in single IC operation (no cascade), the DI input
should also be tied low. In cascaded operation, the Error
Flags are cascaded via the DI inputs.
diagnostic data bits out of the serial diagnostic data
register to DO. The CS low input is not latched and must be
held low while all data is shifted out of DO.
HIP0080, HIP0081The diagnostic interfaces to the
HIP0080 and HIP0081 are SPI compatible. The
microcontroller is programmed to control the read and
respond action based on the diagnostic readout. Normally
the CS input is addressed and DO is read. If a fault is
indicated by the Error Flag, all data is shifted out of DO and
processed to determine the diagnostic fault condition. The
Error Flag bit does require a separate input back to the
microcontroller to initiate the serial data shift. When the
CLK signal starts, the serial sequence starting with the first
of the 16 serial diagnostic bits is input to the
HIP0080, HIP0081The on-chip fault Error Flag goes high if
any one of the 16 diagnostic data fault bits have been set
HIGH. This fault Error Flag bit precedes the 16 diagnostic
data fault bits and is OR’ed with all diagnostic data fault
bits. The DF bit flags the presence of an Error Flag fault on
the IC and in any part of the cascaded string, including DI
data input. As shown in Figure 3 each IC in the cascade