θHA≤ θJA − θCH − θJC
Applications Information (Continued)
In this equation, θCH is the thermal resistance from the junc-
tion to the surface of the heat sink and θJC is the thermal re-
sistance from the junction to the surface of the case. θJC is
about 3˚C/W for a TO220 package. The value for θCH de-
pends on method of attachment, insulator, etc. θCH varies
between 1.5˚C/W to 2.5˚C/W. If the exact value is unknown,
2˚C/W can be assumed.
Shutdown Operation
A CMOS Logic level signal at the shutdown ( SD) pin will
turn-off the regulator. Pin SD must be actively terminated
through a 10kΩ pull-up resistor for a proper operation. If this
pin is driven from a source that actively pulls high and low
(such as a CMOS rail to rail comparator), the pull-up resistor
is not required. This pin must be tied to Vin if not used.
Heatsinking TO-263 Package
Dropout Voltage
The TO-263 package uses the copper plane on the PCB as
a heatsink. The tab of these packages are soldered to the
copper plane for heat sinking. Figure 3 shows a curve for the
θJA of TO-263 package for different copper area sizes, using
a typical PCB with 1 ounce copper and no solder mask over
the copper area for heat sinking.
The dropout voltage of a regulator is defined as the minimum
input-to-output differential required to stay within 2% of the
output voltage. The LP3963/LP3966 use an internal MOS-
FET with an Rds(on) of 240mΩ (typically). For CMOS LDOs,
the dropout voltage is the product of the load current and the
Rds(on) of the internal MOSFET.
Reverse Current Path
The internal MOSFET in LP3963and LP3966 has an inher-
ent parasitic diode. During normal operation, the input volt-
age is higher than the output voltage and the parasitic diode
is reverse biased. However, if the output is pulled above the
input in an application, then current flows from the output to
the input as the parasitic diode gets forward biased. The out-
put can be pulled above the input as long as the current in
the parasitic diode is limited to 200mA continuous and 1A
Maximum Output Current Capability
LP3963 and LP3966 can deliver a continuous current of 3A
over the full operating temperature range. A heatsink may be
required depending on the maximum power dissipation and
maximum ambient temperature of the application. Under all
possible conditions, the junction temperature must be within
the range specified under operating conditions. The total
power dissipation of the device is given by:
FIGURE 3. θJA vs Copper(1 Ounce) Area for TO-263
As shown in the figure, increasing the copper area beyond 1
square inch produces very little improvement. The minimum
value for θJA for the TO-263 packag mounted to a PCB is
where IGND is the operating ground current of the device
(specified under Electrical Characteristics).
Figure 4 shows the maximum allowable power dissipation
for TO-263 packages for different ambient temperatures, as-
suming θJA is 35˚C/W and the maximum junction tempera-
ture is 125˚C.
The maximum allowable temperature rise (TRmax) depends
on the maximum ambient temperature (TAmax) of the appli-
cation, and the maximum allowable junction temperature(TJ
TRmax = TJmax− TAmax
The maximum allowable value for junction to ambient Ther-
mal Resistance, θJA, can be calculated using the formula:
θJA = TRmax / PD
LP3963 and LP3966 are available in TO-220 and TO-263
packages. The thermal resistance depends on amount of
copper area or heat sink, and on air flow. If the maximum al-
lowable value of θJA calculated above is ≥ 60 ˚C/W for TO-
220 package and ≥ 60 ˚C/W for TO-263 package no heatsink
is needed since the package can dissipate enough heat to
satisfy these requirements. If the value for allowable θJA falls
below these limits, a heat sink is required.
Heatsinking TO-220 Package
The thermal resistance of a TO220 package can be reduced
by attaching it to a heat sink or a copper plane on a PC
board. If a copper plane is to be used, the values of θJA will
be same as shown in next section for TO263 package.
FIGURE 4. Maximum power dissipation vs ambient
temperature for TO-263 package
The heatsink to be used in the application should have a
heatsink to ambient thermal resistance,