Speed Limits
The second output speed limit is the clamp turnaround.
The LT1720/LT1721 output is optimized for fast initial
response, with some loss of turnaround speed, limiting
the toggle frequency. The output transistors are idled in a
low power state once VOH or VOL is reached by detecting
the Schottky clamp action. It is only when the output has
slewed from the old voltage to the new voltage, and the
clamp circuitry has settled, that the idle state is reached
andtheoutputisfullyreadytotransitionagain. Thisclamp
turnaround time is typically 8ns for each direction, result-
ing in a maximum toggle frequency of 62.5MHz, or a
125MB data rate. With higher frequencies, dropout and
runt pulses can occur. Increases in capacitive load will
increase the time needed for slewing due to the limited
slew currents and the maximum toggle frequency will
decrease further. For higher toggle frequency applica-
tions, consider the LT1394, whose linear output stage can
toggle at 100MHz typical.
The LT1720/LT1721 comparators are intended for high
speed applications, where it is important to understand a
few limitations. These limitations can roughly be divided
into three categories: input speed limits, output speed
limits, and internal speed limits.
There are no significant input speed limits except the
shunt capacitance of the input nodes. If the 2pF typical
input nodes are driven, the LT1720/LT1721 will respond.
The output speed is constrained by two mechanisms, the
transistors. To maintain low power quiescent operation,
the LT1720/LT1721 output transistors are sized to deliver
25mA to 45mA typical slew currents. This is sufficient to
drive small capacitive loads and logic gate inputs at
delay (tPD) definition ends at the time the output voltage is
halfway between the supplies, the fixed slew current
actually makes the LT1720/LT1721 faster at 3V than 5V
with 20mV of input overdrive.
The internal speed limits manifest themselves as disper-
sion. All comparators have some degree of dispersion,
defined as a change in propagation delay versus input
overdrive. The propagation delay of the LT1720/LT1721
will vary with overdrive, from a typical of 4.5ns at 20mV
overdrive to 7ns at 5mV overdrive (typical). The LT1720/
LT1721’s primary source of dispersion is the hysteresis
stage. As a change of polarity arrives at the gain stage, the
positive feedback of the hysteresis stage subtracts from
the overdrive available. Only when enough time has
stage, backwards through the hysteresis stage and for-
ward through the gain stage again, will the output stage
receive the same level of overdrive that it would have
received in the absence of hysteresis.
Another manifestation of this output speed limit is skew,
the difference between tPD+ and tPD–. The slew currents of
PNP and NPN transistors, for rising edges and falling
edges respectively. The typical 0.5ns skew can have either
polarity, rising edge or falling edge faster. Again, the skew
will increase dramatically with heavy capacitive loads.
The skews of comparators in a single package are corre-
lated, but not identical. Besides some random variability,
there is a small (100ps to 200ps) systematic skew due to
physical parasitics of the packages. For the LT1720 SO-8,
comparatorA, whoseoutputisadjacenttotheVCC pin, will
have a relatively faster rising edge than comparator B.
Likewise, comparator B, by virtue of an output adjacent to
the ground pin will have a relatively faster falling edge.
Similar dependencies occur in the LT1721 S16, while the
systemic skews in the smaller MSOP and SSOP packages
arehalfagainassmall. Ofcourse, ifthecapacitiveloadson
the two comparators of a single package are not identical,
the differential timing will degrade further.
With5mVofoverdrive, theLT1720/LT1721arefasterwith
a 5V supply than with a 3V supply, the opposite of what is
true with 20mV overdrive. This is due to the internal speed
limit, because the gain stage is faster at 5V than 3V due
primarily to the reduced junction capacitances with higher
reverse voltage bias.
Inmanyapplications, asshowninthefollowingexamples,
there is plenty of input overdrive. Even in applications
providing low levels of overdrive, the LT1720/LT1721 are