Main Control Loop
Furthermore, in an overvoltage condition, M1 is turned off
and M2 is turned on and held on until the overvoltage
condition clears.
The LTC3717 is a current mode controller for DC/DC
step-down converters. In normal operation, the top
MOSFET is turned on for a fixed interval determined by a
one-shot timer OST. When the top MOSFET is turned off,
the bottom MOSFET is turned on until the current com-
parator ICMP trips, restarting the one-shot timer and initi-
ating the next cycle. Inductor current is determined by
sensing the voltage between the PGND and SW pins using
the bottom MOSFET on-resistance . The voltage on the ITH
pin sets the comparator threshold corresponding to in-
ductor valley current. The error amplifier EA adjusts this
ITH voltage by comparing 2/3 of the feedback signal VFB
from the output voltage with a reference equal to 1/3 of the
VREF voltage. If the load current increases, it causes a drop
in the feedback voltage relative to the reference. The ITH
voltage then rises until the average inductor current again
matches the load current. As a result in normal DDR
operation VOUT is equal to 1/2 of the VREF voltage.
Pulling the RUN/SS pin low forces the controller into its
shutdown state, turning off both M1 and M2. Releasing
the pin allows an internal 1.2µA current source to charge
up an external soft-start capacitor CSS. When this voltage
reaches 1.5V, the controller turns on and begins switch-
ing, but with the ITH voltage clamped at approximately
0.6V below the RUN/SS voltage. As CSS continues to
charge, the soft-start current limit is removed.
Power for the top and bottom MOSFET drivers and most
of the internal controller circuitry is derived from the
INTVCC pin. The top MOSFET driver is powered from a
floating bootstrap capacitor CB. This capacitor is re-
chargedfromINTVCC throughanexternalSchottkydiode
DB when the top MOSFET is turned off. When the EXTVCC
pin is grounded, an internal 5V low dropout regulator
supplies the INTVCC power from VCC. If EXTVCC rises
above 4.7V, the internal regulator is turned off, and an
internal switch connects EXTVCC to INTVCC. This allows
ahighefficiencysourceconnectedtoEXTVCC, suchasan
external 5V supply or a secondary output from the
converter, to provide the INTVCC power. Voltages up to
7V can be applied to EXTVCC for additional gate drive. If
the VCC voltage is low and INTVCC drops below 3.4V,
undervoltage lockout circuitry prevents the power
switches from turning on.
The operating frequency is determined implicitly by the
top MOSFET on-time and the duty cycle required to
maintain regulation. The one-shot timer generates an on-
time that is proportional to the ideal duty cycle, thus
holding frequency approximately constant with changes
in VIN. The nominal frequency can be adjusted with an
external resistor RON.
Overvoltage and undervoltage comparators OV and UV
pull the PGOOD output low if the output feedback voltage
exits a ±10% window around the regulation point.
The basic LTC3717 application circuit is shown in
Figure 1. External component selection is primarily deter-
mined by the maximum load current and begins with the
selection of the sense resistance and power MOSFET
switches. The LTC3717 uses the on-resistance of the syn-
chronous power MOSFET for determining the inductor
current. The desired amount of ripple current and operating
frequency largely determines the inductor value. Finally, CIN
is selected for its ability to handle the large RMS current into
the converter and COUT is chosen with low enough ESR to
meet the output voltage ripple and transient specification.
Maximum Sense Voltage and VRNG Pin
Inductor current is determined by measuring the voltage
across a sense resistance that appears between the PGND
and SW pins. The maximum sense voltage is set by the
voltage applied to the VRNG pin and is equal to approxi-
mately(0.13)VRNGforsourcingcurrentand(0.17)VRNG for
sinking current. The current mode control loop will not
allow the inductor current valleys to exceed (0.13)VRNG
RSENSE for sourcing and (0.17)VRNG/RSENSE for sinking. In
practice, one should allow some margin for variations in
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