3.3.4 Contact materials. Classes D, G, M, and N contact bodies shall be made of suitably conductive copper based
alloys. Classes H and K contacts may be ferrous alloy material. All contacts shall be suitably protected from
corrosion. When contacts are in-process plated in strip form, the absence of plating in the separation area is
acceptable, provided the area is nonfunctional and any corrosion products formed as a result of salt spray testing
(4.5.19) do not appear in the contact mating or termination areas. Accessory members. Contact accessory members such as hoods, pressure members and retaining
devices shall be made of corrosion resistant material or shall be suitably treated to resist corrosion. Contact finish (solder contact). The finish on contact bodies shall be gold applied either overall or localized
for class G, (see 6.5). The finish on contact bodies for classes D and M shall be gold plated applied overall. The finish
on contact bodies for classes H and K shall be gold plated. Overall finish. Contact bodies shall be overall gold plated in accordance with ASTM B488, type II, code C,
class 1.27, over a suitable underplate (see 6.5). Silver shall not be used as an underplate. Nickel shall not be used as
an underplate on classes M and N. The finish on contact bodies of class H and K connectors shall be gold plated in
accordance with ASTM B488, type II, code C, class 1.27. Preliminary plating of another metal is permissible. Localized finish. Contact bodies shall be overall nickel plated in accordance with SAE AMS-QQ-N-290,
except plating thickness shall be 30 to 150 microinches thick (see 6.5). Mechanical operations may be performed after
application of plating. Contact mating area. The contact mating area as shown on figure 1 shall be gold plated in accordance
with ASTM B488, type II, code C, class 1.27, over nickel plating (see Terminations. Terminations shall be plated as follows:
a. Solder cups: 100 microinches minimum tin-lead plated in accordance with SAE AMS-P-81728, 50 to 95
percent tin.
b. Insulation displacement: 100 microinches minimum tin-lead plated in accordance with SAE AMS-P-81728, 50
to 95 percent tin.
c. Printed wiring tails: Dimension M in accordance with MIL-DTL-24308/23 and MIL-DTL-24308/24, 100
microinches minimum tin-lead plated in accordance with SAE AMS-P-81728.
d. Solder dipping is permitted, providing it meets procedures and requirements of MIL-STD-202, method 208.
3.3.5 Dielectric materials. Insert. Insert material type SDG-F or GDI-30F in accordance with ASTM D5948, or TPES013G30, TPES023G30
or TPES102G30 in accordance with ASTM D5927, or type GPT-30F, GET-30F, GCT-30F or GLCP-30F or GLCP-50F in
accordance with or MIL-M-24519 or PPS000G40A63463EA220ED037EE030EF125EG100EH150FL310Y11 in accordance
with ASTM D4067, for classes D, G, M, and N connectors. Insert dielectric materials for classes H and K shall be glass.
3.3.6 Metal components. Metal components shall be of high grade corrosion resistant material or a material treated
to resist corrosion, which will allow the complete connector assembly to meet the requirements of this specification. Finish. (Class G and N), Shells shall be cadmium plated in accordance with type II, class 2 of
SAE AMS-QQ-P-416 or zinc plated in accordance with ASTM B633. A preliminary plating of another metal is
permissible. The resulting finish shall be electrically conductive, and shall be of a golden color to ensure that the
chromate finish has been properly applied or pure electrodeposited aluminum non-reflective in accordance with
MIL-DTL-83488 Corrosion-resistant steel parts including shells shall be passivated in accordance with
SAE AMS2700, types 2, 6, 7 or 8 and need not be overplated. (Class G only), zinc nickel alloy in accordance with
ASTM B841, non-reflective black an underplate is optional or Nickel Fluorocarbon Polymer non-reflective an
underplate is optional. Finish for class H connectors. Unless otherwise specified, all metal parts for class H connectors shall be tin
plated in accordance with ASTM B545. Preliminary plating of another metal is permissible. Tin shall contain a
minimum of 3% lead to prevent tin whiskers.