When the limiter voltages are more than 2.1V from the
supplies (VL ≥ –VS + 2.1V or VH ≤ +VS – 2.1V), you can use
simple resistor dividers to set VH and VL (see Figure 1). Make
sure to include the limiter input bias currents (Figure 8) in the
calculations (that is, IVL = 50µA into pin 5, and IVH = +50µA
out of pin 8). For good limiter voltage accuracy, run a
minimum 1mA quiescent bias current through these resis-
tors. When the limiter voltages need to be within 2.1V of the
supplies (VL ≤ –VS + 2.1V or VH ≥ +VS – 2.1V), consider using
low impedance buffers to set VH and VL to minimize errors
due to bias current uncertainty. This condition will typically be
the case for single-supply operation (VS = +5V). Figure 2
runs 2.5mA through the resistive divider that sets VH and VL.
This limits errors due to IVH and IVL < ±1% of the target limit
voltages. The limiters’ DC accuracy depends on attention to
detail. The two dominant error sources can be improved as
The OPA699 has been optimized to drive 500Ω loads, such
as ADCs. It still performs very well driving 100Ω loads; the
specifications are shown for the 500Ω load. This makes the
OPA699 an ideal choice for a wide range of high-frequency
Many high-speed applications, such as driving ADCs, require
op amps with low output impedance. As shown in the typical
performance curve Output Impedance vs Frequency, the
OPA699 maintains very low closed-loop output impedance
over frequency. Closed-loop output impedance increases
with frequency, since loop gain decreases with frequency.
The OPA699 will not require heat sinking under most oper-
ating conditions. Maximum desired junction temperature will
set a maximum allowed internal power dissipation as de-
scribed below. In no case should the maximum junction
temperature be allowed to exceed 150°C.
• Power supplies, when used to drive resistive dividers that
set VH and VL, can contribute large errors (for example,
±5%). Using a more accurate source, and bypassing pins
5 and 8 with good capacitors, will improve limiter PSRR.
The total internal power dissipation (PD) is the sum of
quiescent power (PDQ) and the additional power dissipated in
the output stage (PDL) while delivering load power. PDQ is
simply the specified no-load supply current times the total
supply voltage across the part. PDL depends on the required
output signals and loads. For a grounded resistive load, and
equal bipolar supplies, it is at maximum when the output is
• The resistor tolerances in the resistive divider can also
dominate. Use 1% resistors.
Other error sources also contribute, but should have little
impact on the limiters’ DC accuracy:
• Reduce offsets caused by the Limiter Input Bias Currents.
Select the resistors in the resistive divider(s) as described
at 1/2 either supply voltage. In this condition, PDL = VS /(4RL)
where RL includes the feedback network loading. Note that it
is the power in the output stage, and not in the load, that
determines internal power dissipation.
• Consider the signal path DC errors as contributing to
uncertainty in the useable output swing.
• The limiter offset voltage only slightly degrades limiter
accuracy. Figure 13 shows how the limiters affect distor-
tion performance. Virtually no degradation in linearity is
observed for output voltage swinging right up to the limiter
voltages. In this plot a fixed ±1V output swing is driven
while the limiter voltages are reduced symmetrically. Until
the limiters are reduced to ±1.1V, little distortion degrada-
tion is observed.
The operating junction temperature is: TJ = TA + PD x θJA,
where TA is the ambient temperature. For example, the
maximum TJ for a OPA699ID with G = +6, RF = 750Ω,
RL = 500Ω, and ±VS = ±5V at the maximum TA = +85°C is
calculated as:
PDQ = 10V × 15.5mA = 155mW
= 19.4mW
4 × 500Ω || 900Ω
PD = 155mW + 19.4mW = 174.4mW
VO = 0VDC ± 1VP
f = 5MHz
TJ = 85°C + 174.4mW ×125°C / W = 107°C
L = 500Ω
This would be the maximum TJ from VO = ±2.5VDC. Most
applications will be at a lower output stage power and have
a lower TJ.
Capacitive loads, such as the input to ADCs, will decrease
the amplifier phase margin, which may cause high-frequency
peaking or oscillations. Capacitive loads ≥ 2pF should be
isolated by connecting a small resistor in series with the
output, as shown in Figure 14. Increasing the gain from +2
will improve the capacitive drive capabilities due to increased
phase margin.
0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0
± Limit Voltage (V)
FIGURE 13. Harmonic Distortion Near Limit Voltages.