For lower no-load input power consumption, the bias winding
may also be used to supply the TinySwitch-LT device. Resistor
R8 feeds current into the BP/M pin, inhibiting the internal high
voltage current source that normally maintains the BP/M pin
capacitor voltage (C7) during the internal MOSFET off time.
This reduces the no-load consumption of this design from
140 mW to 40 mW at 265 VAC.
1. The minimum DC input voltage is 100 V or higher for
85 VAC input, or 220 V or higher for 230 VAC input or
115 VAC with a voltage doubler. The value of the input
capacitance should be sized to meet these criteria for AC
input designs.
2. Efficiency of 75%.
3. Minimum data sheet value of I2f.
4. Transformer primary inductance tolerance of ±10%.
5. Reflected output voltage (VOR) of 135 V.
6. Voltage only output of 12 V with a fast PN rectifier diode.
7. Continuous conduction mode operation with transient KP*
value of 0.25.
8. Increased current limit is selected for peak and open frame
power columns and standard current limit for adapter
9. The part is board mounted with SOURCE pins soldered to
a sufficient area of copper and/or a heatsink is used to keep
the SOURCE pin temperature at or below 110 °C.
10. Ambient temperature of 50 °C for open frame designs and
40 °C for sealed adapters.
In addition to the simple input pi filter (C1, L1, C2) for
differential mode EMI, this design makes use of E-Shield™
shielding techniques in the transformer to reduce common
mode EMI displacement currents, and R2 and C4 as a damping
network to reduce high frequency transformer ringing. These
techniques, combined with the frequency jitter of TNY178,
give excellent conducted and radiated EMI performance with
this design achieving >12 dBμV of margin to EN55022 Class
B conducted EMI limits.
For design flexibility the value of C7 can be selected to pick one
of the 3 current limits options in U1. This allows the designer
to select the current limit appropriate for the application.
*Below a value of 1, KP is the ratio of ripple to peak primary
current. To prevent reduced power capability due to premature
termination of switching cycles a transient KP limit of ≥0.25
pin capacitor and is the normal choice for typical enclosed
adapter applications.
When a 1 μF BP/M pin capacitor is used, the current
limit is reduced (ILIMITred or ILIMIT-1) offering reduced RMS
device currents and therefore improved efficiency, but at
the expense of maximum power capability. This is ideal
for thermally challenging designs where dissipation must
be minimized.
When a 10 μF BP/M pin capacitor is used, the current
limit is increased (ILIMITinc or ILIMIT+1), extending the power
capability for applications requiring higher peak power or
continuous power where the thermal conditions allow.
is recommended. This prevents the initial current limit (IINIT
from being exceeded at MOSFET turn on.
For reference, Table 2 provides the minimum practical power
limitvalues. Thisassumesopenframeoperation(notthermally
limited) and otherwise the same conditions as listed above.
These numbers are useful to identify the correct current limit
to select for a given device and output power requirement.
Overvoltage Protection
The output overvoltage protection provided by TinySwitch-LT
uses an internal latch that is triggered by a threshold current
of approximately 5.5 mA into the BP/M pin. In addition to an
internal filter, the BP/M pin capacitor forms an external filter
providing noise immunity from inadvertent triggering. For the
bypass capacitor to be effective as a high frequency filter, the
and BP/M pins of the device.
TinySwitch-LTfamilymembersbeingcompatible. Thereduced
current limit of a given device is equal to the standard current
equal to the standard current limit of the next larger device.
Key Application Considerations
TinySwitch-LT Design Considerations
For best performance of the OVP function, it is recommended
15V-30V. Thisminimizestheerrorvoltageonthebiaswinding
due to leakage inductance and also ensures adequate voltage
during no-load operation from which to supply the BP/M pin
for reduced no-load consumption.
Output Power Table
The data sheet output power table (Table 1) represents the
minimum practical continuous output power level that can be
obtained under the following assumed conditions:
Selecting the Zener diode voltage to be approximately 6 V
above the bias winding voltage (28 V for 22 V bias winding)