Product family data sheet
Cree® XLamp® XHP35 LEDs
XHP35 Hꢂgh Deꢃsꢂꢄy LED
XHP35 Hꢂgh iꢃꢄeꢃsꢂꢄy LED
PꢀoDuCt DEꢁCꢀiPtion
tAbLE oF ContEntꢁ
Thꢀ XLamp® XHP35 LeD brings thꢀ
pꢀrformancꢀ of Crꢀꢀ’s extrꢀmꢀ High
Powꢀr LeDs to thꢀ XP footprint, sꢀtting a
nꢀw standard for pꢀrformancꢀ dꢀliꢁꢀrꢀd
by a 3.45 x 3.45 mm LED. Leveraging the
brꢀakthrough 12-v monolithic powꢀr diꢀ
built on Crꢀꢀ’s innoꢁatiꢁꢀ architꢀcturꢀ and
uniquꢀly ꢀnablꢀd by thꢀ SC5 Tꢀchnology™
Platform, thꢀ XHP35 LeD allows thꢀ
usꢀ of rꢀadily aꢁailablꢀ cost--optimizꢀd
driꢁꢀrs to unlꢀash thꢀ capabilitiꢀs of
Crꢀꢀ’s high-powꢀr LeDs. Aꢁailablꢀ in both
high-dꢀnsity and high-intꢀnsity ꢁꢀrsions,
thꢀ XHP35 LeD is application optimizꢀd
to ꢀnablꢀ nꢀw dꢀsigns and radically lowꢀr
systꢀm costs.
Aꢁailablꢀ in whitꢀ in high-dꢀnsity and
Flux Charactꢀristics, High Dꢀnsity
easyWhitꢀ® Ordꢀr Codꢀs and Bins...............3
Flux Charactꢀristics, High Dꢀnsity ANSI
Whitꢀ Ordꢀr Codꢀs and Bins ........................5
Flux Charactꢀristics, High Intꢀnsity
high-intꢀnsity ꢁꢀrsions for dꢀsign
XHP35 High Intꢀnsity LeD is
optimizꢀd to dꢀliꢁꢀr maximum
candꢀla through sꢀcondary optics
Aꢁailablꢀ in 5-stꢀp easyWhitꢀ® bins
at 2700 K to 5700 K CCT and 3-step
EasyWhite bins at 2700 K to 3500 K
easyWhitꢀ® Ordꢀr Codꢀs and Bins...............8
Flux Charactꢀristics, High Intꢀnsity ANSI
Whitꢀ Ordꢀr Codꢀs and Bins ..................... 11
Rꢀlatiꢁꢀ Spꢀctral Powꢀr Distribution ........ 15
Relative Flux vs. Junction Temperature.... 15
elꢀctrical Charactꢀristics........................... 16
Rꢀlatiꢁꢀ Flux ꢁs. Currꢀnt ............................ 16
Rꢀlatiꢁꢀ Chromaticity ꢁs. Currꢀnt.............. 17
Rꢀlatiꢁꢀ Chromaticity ꢁs. Tꢀmpꢀraturꢀ..... 18
Typical Spatial Distribution........................ 19
Thꢀrmal Dꢀsign.......................................... 20
Pꢀrformancꢀ Groups – Luminous Flux..... 20
Pꢀrformancꢀ Groups – Chromaticity........ 21
Crꢀꢀ’s easyWhitꢀ® Chromaticity Rꢀgions
Plottꢀd on thꢀ 1931 CIe Curꢁꢀ .................. 24
Cree’s Standard Cool White Kits Plotted
on ANSI Standard Chromaticity Rꢀgions.. 27
Crꢀꢀ’s Standard Warm and Nꢀutral Whitꢀ
Kits Plotted on ANSI Standard
Aꢁailablꢀ in ANSI whitꢀ bins at
2700 K to 7000 K CCT
Aꢁailablꢀ in standard, 70-, 80-, 85-
and 90-minimum CRI options
Binned at 85 °C
Maximum drive current: 1050 mA
Low thermal resistance: 1.8 °C/W
Wide viewing angle: 115° for high
intensity, 125° for high density
Unlimited floor life at
≤ 30 ºC/85% RH
Reflow solderable - JEDEC
RoHS and ReACh compliant
UL® rꢀcognizꢀd componꢀnt
Chromaticity Rꢀgions ................................ 28
Bin and Ordꢀr Codꢀ Formats..................... 29
Reflow Soldering Characteristics.............. 30
Notꢀs .......................................................... 31
Mꢀchanical Dimꢀnsions ............................ 33
Tapꢀ and Rꢀꢀl............................................. 35
Packaging................................................... 37
Copyright © 2015-2016 Cree, Inc. All rights reserved. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Cree®, XLamp® and
EasyWhite® are registered trademarks and the Cree logo and SC5 Technology™ are trademarks of Cree, Inc. UL® and the UR logo are registered
trademarks of UL LLC.
Cree, Inc.
4600 Silicon Drive
Durham, NC 27703
USA Tel: +1.919.313.5300