AMP Dynamic Series Connectors
While Tyco Electronics Corporation
and its affiliates referenced herein
Product Facts
Termination can be
automated and field
maintenance simplified
Need more information?
Connector system designed
for exclusive use with I/O
and power circuits in the
power and control boards
of heavy electric systems
and FA equipment, process
computers, FA computers,
PCs, NCs, servodrivers,
servomotors, inverters,
switching power supplies,
(“Tyco Electronics”) have made every
reasonable effort to ensure the accuracy
of the information in this catalog,
Tyco Electronics does not guarantee that
it is error-free, nor does Tyco Electronics
make any other representation, warranty
or guarantee that the information is
accurate, correct, reliable or current.
Tyco Electronics reserves the right to
make any adjustments to the information
contained herein at any time without
notice. Tyco Electronics expressly dis-
claims all implied warranties regarding
the information contained herein, includ-
ing, but not limited to, any implied war-
ranties of merchantability or fitness for
a particular purpose. Tyco Electronics’
only obligations are those in the
Tyco Electronics Standard Terms and
Conditions of Sale, and in no case will
Tyco Electronics be responsible for any
incidental, indirect, or consequential
damages arising from the sale, resale,
use, or misuse of its products. Users
should independently evaluate the suit-
ability of, and test each product for, their
Call Technical Support at
the numbers listed below.
As contacts can be crimped,
connector quality is
Technical Support is staffed
with specialists well versed
in Tyco Electronics products.
They can provide you with:
Standardization of contacts
leads to easier manage-
ment of inventory
I Technical Support
I Catalogs
To help prevent human
I Technical Documents
I Product Samples
errors in termination a com-
mon identification mark is
on hand tools and contacts
Consists of wire-side
connector and board-side
I Tyco Electronics
Authorized Distributor
Housing color and design
are coordinated
Diverse housings are avail-
able to meet most specific
With contacts standardized,
the tool types used can be
The dimensions, specifications, designs,
construction, materials and processes in
this catalog are for reference purposes
only and are subject to change without
notice. Please consult Tyco Electronics
for the most current product information.
The export of certain Tyco Electronics
products is restricted by the Arms Export
Control Act (Title 22, U.S.C. Sec 2751, et
seq.) or the Export Administration Act of
1979, as amended (Title 50, U.S.C., App.
2401 et seq.). Orders may be subject to
export approval by the U.S. Government.
Buyer must comply with all applicable
export laws of all applicable jurisdictions.
© 1998, 2002, 2004 and 2007 by
Tyco Electronics Corporation. All Rights
AMPLIMITE, the TE Logo and
TYCO ELECTRONICS are trademarks.
Other products, logos, and company
names mentioned herein may be
trademarks of their respective owners.
See inside back cover for Global
Contacts and phone numbers.
Restriction on the use of Hazardous Substances Getting the Information You Need
Our comprehensive on-line RoHS Customer Support Center
provides a forum to answer your questions and support your
RoHS needs. A RoHS FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) is
available with links to more detailed information. You can also
submit RoHS questions and receive a response within 24
hours during a normal work week. The Support Center also
I Cross-Reference from
Non-compliant to Compliant
At Tyco Electronics, we’re ready to support your RoHS require-
ments. We’ve assessed more than 1.5 million end items/com-
ponents for RoHS compliance, and issued new part numbers
where any change was required to eliminate the restricted
materials. Part numbers in this catalog are identified as:
RoHS Compliant — Part numbers in this catalog are RoHS
Compliant, unless marked otherwise. These products comply
with European Union Directive 2002/95/EC as amended 1
January 2006 that restricts the use of lead, mercury, cadmium,
hexavalent chromium, PBB, and PBDE in certain electrical and
electronic products sold into the EU as of 1 July 2006.
NOTE: For purposes of this Catalog, included within the defini-
tion of RoHS Compliant are products that are clearly “Out of
Scope” of the RoHS Directive such as hand tools and other
non-electrical accessories.
NOTE: Information regarding RoHS compliance is provided
based on reasonable inquiry of our suppliers and represents
our current actual knowledge based on the information provided
by our suppliers. This information is subject to change. For lat-
est compliance status, refer to our website referenced at right.
I Ability to browse RoHS
Compliant Products in our
on-line catalog
I Downloadable Technical Data
Customer Information
I More detailed information
regarding the definitions used above
Note: Connectors are not
designed to mate and unmate
on energized line.
I So whatever your questions when it comes to RoHS, we’ve
got the answers at
Catalog 1242132
Revised 5-07
Dimensions are in millimeters
unless otherwise specified.
Dimensions are shown for
reference purposes only.
Specifications subject
to change.
USA: 1-800-522-6752
South America: 55-11-2103-6000
Canada: 1-905-470-4425
Hong Kong: 852-2735-1628
Japan: 81-44-844-8013
UK: 44-8706-080-208
Mexico: 01-800-733-8926
C. America: 52-55-1106-0803