In a power control loop, the AD8315 provides both the detector
and controller functions. A sample of the power amplifier’s (PA)
output power is coupled to the RF input of the AD8315, usually
via a directional coupler. In dual-mode applications, where
there are two PAs and two directional couplers, the outputs of
the directional couplers can be passively combined (both PAs
will never be turned on simultaneously) before being applied to
the AD8315.
Above 250 mV, VSET has a linear control range up to 1.4 V,
corresponding to a dynamic range of 50 dB. This results in a
slope of 23 mV/dB or approximately 43.5 dB/V.
The time domain response of power amplifier control loops,
using any kind of controller, is only partially determined by the
choice of filter, which, in the case of the AD8315, has a true
integrator form 1/sT, as shown in Equation 7, with a time
constant given by Equation 8. The large signal step response is
also strongly dependent on the form of the gain-control law.
Nevertheless, some simple rules can be applied. When the filter
capacitor CFLT is very large, it dominates the time domain
response, but the incremental bandwidth of this loop still varies
as VAPC traverses the nonlinear gain-control function of the PA,
as shown in Figure 35. This bandwidth is highest at the point
where the slope of the tangent drawn on this curve is greatest,
that is, for power outputs near the center of the PA’s range, and
is much reduced at both the minimum and the maximum
power levels, where the slope of the gain control curve is lowest
due to its S-shaped form.
A setpoint voltage is applied to VSET from the controlling
source (generally, this is a DAC). Any imbalance between the
RF input level and the level corresponding to the setpoint
voltage is corrected by the AD8315’s VAPC output that drives
the gain control terminal of the PA. This restores a balance
between the actual power level sensed at the input of the
AD8315 and the value determined by the setpoint. This
assumes that the gain control sense of the variable gain
element is positive, that is, an increasing voltage from
VAPC tends to increase gain.
VAPC can swing from 250 mV to within 100 mV of the supply
rail and can source up to 6 mA. If the control input of the PA
needs to source current, a suitable load resistor can be connected
between VAPC and COMM. The output swing and current
sourcing capability of VAPC is shown in Figure 21.
Using smaller values of CFLT, the loop bandwidth generally
increases in inverse proportion to its value. Eventually, however,
a secondary effect appears due to the inherent phase lag in the
power amplifier’s control path, some of which can be due to
parasitic or deliberately added capacitance at the VAPC pin.
This results in the characteristic poles in the ac loop equation
moving off the real axis and thus becoming complex (and
somewhat resonant). This is a classic aspect of control loop
design. The lowest permissible value of CFLT needs to be determined
experimentally for a particular amplifier. For GSM and DCS
power amplifiers, CFLT typically ranges from 150 pF to 300 pF.
The relationship between the RF input level and the setpoint
voltage follows from the nominal transfer function of the device
(see Figure 4, Figure 5, Figure 7, and Figure 8). At 0.9 GHz, for
example, a voltage of 1 V on VSET indicates a demand for
−30 dBV (−17 dBm, re 50 Ω) at RFIN. The corresponding power
level at the output of the power amplifier is greater than this
amount due to the attenuation through the directional coupler.
In many cases, some improvement in the worst-case response
time can be achieved by including a small resistance in series
with CFLT; this generates an additional 0 in the closed-loop
transfer function, that serves to cancel some of the higher order
poles in the overall loop. A combination of main capacitor CFLT
shunted by a second capacitor and resistor in series is also
useful in minimizing the settling time of the loop.
For setpoint voltages of less than approximately 250 mV, VAPC
remains unconditionally at its minimum level of approximately
250 mV. This feature can be used to prevent any spurious
emissions during power-up and power-down phases.
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