Design Information
Where delay is the sum of the LM3475 propagation delay
time and the PFET delay time. The propagation delay is
90ns typically.
The output voltage is programmed using a resistor divider
between VOUT and GND as shown in Figure 2. The feedback
resistors can be calculated as follows:
Minimum output ripple voltage can be determined using the
following equation:
VOUT_PP = VHYST ( R1 + R2 ) / R2
The operating frequency and output ripple voltage can also
be significantly influenced using a speed up capacitor, Cff, as
shown in Figure 2. Cff is connected in parallel with the high
side feedback resistor, R1. The output ripple causes a cur-
rent to be sourced or sunk through this capacitor. This cur-
rent is essentially a square wave. Since the input to the
feedback pin (FB) is a high impedance node, the bulk of the
current flows through R2. This superimposes a square wave
ripple voltage on the FB node. The end result is a reduction
in output ripple and an increase in operating frequency.
When adding Cff, calculate the formula above with α= 1. The
value of Cff depends on the desired operating frequency and
the value of R2. A good starting point is 1nF ceramic at
100kHz decreasing linearly with increased operating fre-
quency. Also note that as the output voltage is programmed
below 1.6V, the effect of Cff will decrease significantly.
Where Vfb is 0.8V typically.
The feedback resistor ratio, α = (R1+R2) / R2, will also be
used below to calculate output ripple and operating fre-
The most important parameters for the inductor are the
inductance and the current rating. The LM3475 operates
over a wide frequency range and can use a wide range of
inductance values. Minimum inductance can be calculated
using the following equation:
Where D is the duty cycle, defined as VOUT/VIN, and ∆I is the
allowable inductor ripple current.
FIGURE 2. Hysteretic Window
Maximum allowable inductor ripple current should be calcu-
lated as a function of output current (IOUT) as shown below:
∆Imax = IOUT x 0.3
The inductor must also be rated to handle the peak current
(IPK) and RMS current given by:
Although hysteretic control is a simple control scheme, the
operating frequency and other performance characteristics
depend on external conditions and components. If the induc-
tance, output capacitance, ESR, VIN, or Cff is changed, there
will be a change in the operating frequency and possibly
output ripple. Therefore, care must be taken to select com-
ponents which will provide the desired operating range. The
best approach is to determine what operating frequency is
desirable in the application and then begin with the selection
of the inductor and output capacitor ESR. The design pro-
cess usually involves a few iterations to select appropriate
standard values that will result in the desired frequency and
IPK = (IOUT + ∆I/2) x 1.1
The inductance value and the resulting ripple is one of the
key parameters controlling operating frequency.
Once the desired operating frequency and inductance value
are selected, ESR must be selected based on the equation
in the Setting Operating Frequency and Output Ripple. This
process may involve a few iterations to select standard ESR
and inductance values.
Without the feedforward capacitor (Cff), the operating fre-
quency (F) can be approximately calculated using the for-
In general, the ESR of the output capacitor and the inductor
ripple current create the output ripple of the regulator. How-
ever, the comparator hysteresis sets the first order value of
this ripple. Therefore, as ESR and ripple current vary, oper-
ating frequency must also vary to keep the output ripple