Frequency Foldback
mode of regulation will be described independently so
that only one of the modes of regulation is in command
of the LT8710.
The frequency foldback circuitry reduces the switching
frequency when 175mV < FBX < 1.01V (typical). This
feature lowers the minimum duty cycle that the part can
at start-up. When the FBX voltage is pulled outside of this
is configured to be in forced continuous conduction mode
(MODE pin is driven below 1.175V), then the frequency
Output Voltage Regulation
A single external resistor is used to set the target output
voltage. See the Pin Functions section for selecting the
feedback resistor for a desired output voltage. The V
pin voltage (negative input of A7) is set by EA1 (or EA2),
which is simply an amplified difference between the FBX
is configured as a noninverting converter or 9.6mV if
configured as an inverting converter). In this manner, the
FBX error amplifier sets the correct peak current level to
maintain output voltage regulation.
foldback circuitry is disabled as long as INTV is not in
UVLO and the SS pin is higher than the SS Hi threshold.
target V , V , switching frequency, etc.
Input Voltage Regulation
description of the LT8710 operating in regulation. Also,
assume the converter’s load current is high enough such
that the part is operating in synchronous switching. The
LT8710 has three modes of regulation:
A single resistor or resistor divider from the EN/FBIN pin
to the converter’s input voltage sets the input voltage
regulation. It is recommended to use a resistor divider for
improved accuracy as described in the Setting the Input
Voltage Regulation or Undervoltage Lockout section.
The EN/FBIN pin voltage connects to the positive input of
1. Output Voltage (via FBX pin)
amplifier EA4. The V pin voltage is set by EA4, which is
2. Input Voltage (via EN/FBIN pin)
simply an amplified difference between the EN/FBIN pin
voltage and a 1.607V reference voltage. In this manner,
the EN/FBIN error amplifier sets the correct peak current
level to maintain input voltage regulation.
3. Output Current (via ISP, ISN, and IMON pins)
All three of these regulation loops control the peak com-
manded current through the external NFET, MN. This
operation is the same regardless of the regulation mode,
so that will be described first.
Output Current Regulation
An external sense resistor connected between the ISP and
At the start of each oscillator cycle, the SR latch (SR1)
is set, which first turns off the external PFET, MP, and
then turns on the external NFET, MN. The NFET’s source
current flows through an external current sense resistor
converter when placed in the source of the PFET, MP. A
built-in 51.8mV offset is added to the voltage seen across
. That voltage is then amplified and outputs to
) generating a voltage proportional to the NFET
the IMON pin. An external capacitor must be placed from
switch current. This voltage is then amplified by A5 and
added to a stabilizing ramp. The resulting sum is fed into
thepositiveterminalofthePWM comparatorA7.Whenthe
voltage on the positive input of A7 exceeds the voltage on
IMON to ground to filter the amplified chopped voltage
that’s sensed across R
. The voltage at the IMON pin
is fed to the negative input of the IMON error amplifier,
EA3. The V pin voltage is set by EA3, which is simply an
the negative input (V pin), the SR latch is reset, turning
1.213V reference voltage. In this manner, the IMON error
amplifier sets the correct peak current level to maintain
off the NFET and then turning on the PFET. The voltage
on the V pin is controlled by one of the regulation loops,
or a combination of regulation loops. For simplicity, each
output current regulation.
For more information