The MP24830 is a current-mode regulator. The
error amplifier (EA) output voltage is
proportional to the peak inductor current.
LED Short Protection
If the FB voltage exceeds 600mV, the latches
off immediately and DIMO goes low. If the FB
voltage exceeds 300mV for 450µs, the IC
latches off and DIMO is pulled low. The EN
needs to reset to restart the IC.
At the beginning of a cycle, M1 is off. The EA
output voltage exceeds the current sense
amplifier output, and the current comparator’s
output is low. The rising edge of the CLK signal
(its frequency equals the switching frequency)
triggers the RS flip-flop. The driver turns on the
external MOSFET, thus connecting the SW pin
and inductor to the input supply.
Dimming Control
The MP24830 allows both DC and PWM
dimming on the DIM pin. For analog dimming, a
voltage range from 0.6V to 1.95V linearly sets
the LED current from 0% to 100% of the
maximum LED current. DIM voltages exceeding
2V results in the maximum LED current. For
PWM dimming, use a square signal with an
amplitude (VDIM – VINGND) that exceeds 1.95V.
For good dimming linearity, select a PWM
frequency in range of 100Hz to 2kHz. For a
higher dimming frequency or dimming ratio, use
the DIMO pin to control an external dimming
MOSFET. For combined analog and PWM
dimming, apply a PWM signal with amplitude of
0.6V to 1.95V on the DIM pin.
The current-sense amplifier (CSA) senses the
increasing inductor current. The PWM
comparator compares the sum of the ramp
generator and the CSA output against the
output of the error amplifier. When the sum of
the CSA output and the ramp generator signal
exceeds the EA output voltage, the RS flip-flop
resets and driver turns off the external
MOSFET. The external Schottky rectifier diode
(D1) conducts the inductor current.
If the sum of the CSA output and the ramp
compensation signal does not exceed the EA
output for a whole cycle, then the falling edge of
the CLK resets the flip-flop.
Output Short-Circuit Protection
The MP24830 integrates output short-circuit
protection (SCP) to foldback the operating
frequency and decrease power consumption
when the output is shorted to VSS. Such shorts
cause the voltage on the OVP pin to drop below
0.4V, and the FB pin senses no voltage (<0.1V)
as no current goes through the WLED.
The output of the EA integrates the voltage
difference between the feedback and the 0.2V
reference: A value of 0.2V-VFB increases the EA
output voltage. Since the EA output voltage is
proportional to the peak inductor current,
increasing its voltage also increases the current
delivered to the output.
In buck-boost applications, when there is a
possibility that LED+ short-circuits to VSS, add
a diode from VSS to INGND to protect the IC,
as shown in below in Figure 2.
LED Open Protection
If the LED is open, there is no voltage on the
FB pin. The duty cycle increases until OVP-
VSS reaches the shutdown threshold set by the
external resistor divider. The top switch remains
off until the voltage OVP-VSS drops below 1.2V.
MP24830 DR
DC or PWM Input
Step-up/down White LED Driver Applicatoin
Figure 2: Buck-Boost Application with Possible
LED+ Short to VSS
MP24830 Rev. 1.02
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