Evaluation Kit for the Am79C871 Device
■ Standalone 100BASE-T repeater evaluation
■ Demonstrates QFEXr design interface with
board with QFEXr device
external MLT-3 devices
■ Supports 12 100BASE-T ports
■ Various debugging features onboard
■ LEDs provide Link and Partition status
■ Cover Letter
The QFEXr Evaluation Kit is an evaluation platform for
the Am79C871 Quad Fast Ethernet Transceiver for
100BASE-X Repeaters (QFEXr). The evaluation board
functions as a standalone 100BASE-T unmanaged re-
peater. Twelve 100BASE-T ports are provided.
■ 12 Port QFEXr Evaluation Board
■ QFEXr Product Brief
■ QFEXr Am79C871 Datasheet
■ QFEXr Evaluation Board instructions
The design demonstrates the Shared MII interface to
the repeater device, as well as the interface to external
MLT-3 devices. The repeater device offers a 12-port
Shared MII interface, which reduces pin count over a
standard MII port, but preserves complete IEEE802.3u
functionality. Testpoints are available for probing the
evaluation board with logic analyzers and oscillo-
scopes. The three QFEXr devices on the evaluation
board interface to external MLT-3 devices. MLT-3 de-
vices from two vendors are used to demonstrate the
signal interface and layout when combined with the
QFEXr. Complete schematics and layout information is
included in the kit.
■ 12-port QFEXr Evaluation Board Schematics, Lay-
out and Parts List
■ QFEXr Application Note, “Designing 100BASE-TX
Systems with the QFEX Family”
■ Presentation, “Designing with the AMD QFEX PHY
The QFEXr board provides LEDs to show LINK from
the QFEXr devices and Partition Status from the re-
peater device. Jumpers provide access to options on
the QFEXr devices.
The QFEXr board is powered by a DC power supply
(not included).
This document contains information on a product under development at Advanced Micro Devices. The information
is intended to help you evaluate this product. AMD reserves the right to change or discontinue work on this proposed
product without notice.
Publication# 21620 Rev: A Amendment/0
Issue Date: November 1997