TPS73601-EP, TPS73615-EP, TPS73618-EP
TPS73625-EP, TPS73630-EP, TPS73632-EP, TPS73633-EP .................................................................................................................................................. SGLS326C–APRIL 2006–REVISED FEBRUARY 2009
The TPS73601 adjustable version does not have the
noise-reduction pin available. However, connecting a
feedback capacitor, CFB, from the output to the FB pin
reduces output noise and improves load transient
avoid degraded transient response. The boundary of
this transient dropout region is approximately twice
VIN – VOUT above this line ensure normal transient
The TPS736xx uses an internal charge pump to
develop an internal supply voltage sufficient to drive
the gate of the NMOS pass element above VOUT. The
charge pump generates ~250 µV of switching noise
at ~4 MHz; however, charge-pump noise contribution
is negligible at the output of the regulator for most
Operating in the transient dropout region can cause
an increase in recovery time. The time required to
recover from a load transient is a function of the
magnitude of the change in load current rate, the rate
of change in load current, and the available
headroom (VIN to VOUT voltage drop). Under
worst-case conditions [full-scale instantaneous load
change with (VIN – VOUT) close to dc dropout levels],
values of IOUT and COUT
the TPS736xx can take
microseconds to return to the specified regulation
a couple of hundred
Board Layout Recommendation to Improve
PSRR and Noise Performance
To improve ac performance such as PSRR, output
noise, and transient response, it is recommended that
the board be designed with separate ground planes
for VIN and VOUT, with each ground plane connected
only at the GND pin of the device. In addition, the
ground connection for the bypass capacitor should
connect directly to the GND pin of the device.
Transient Response
The low open-loop output impedance provided by the
NMOS pass element in
configuration allows operation without an output
capacitor for many applications. As with any
regulator, the addition of a capacitor (nominal value
1 µF) from the output pin to ground reduces
undershoot magnitude but increases duration. In the
adjustable version, the addition of a capacitor, CFB
from the output to the adjust pin also improves the
transient response.
Internal Current Limit
The TPS736xx internal current limit helps protect the
regulator during fault conditions. Foldback helps to
protect the regulator from damage during output
short-circuit conditions by reducing current limit when
VOUT drops below 0.5 V. See Figure 12 for a graph of
The TPS736xx does not have active pulldown when
the output is overvoltage. This allows applications
that connect higher voltage sources, such as
alternate power supplies, to the output. This also
results in an output overshoot of several percent if
load current quickly drops to zero when a capacitor is
connected to the output. The duration of overshoot
can be reduced by adding a load resistor. The
overshoot decays at a rate determined by output
capacitor COUT and the internal/external load
resistance. The rate of decay is given by:
The enable (EN) pin is active high and is compatible
with standard TTL-CMOS levels. VEN below 0.5 V
(max) turns the regulator off and drops the ground-pin
current to approximately 10 nA. When shutdown
capability is not required, EN can be connected to
VIN. When a pullup resistor is used, and operation
down to 1.8 V is required, use pullup resistor values
below 50 kΩ.
Fixed-voltage version:
dVńdt +
Dropout Voltage
Adjustable-voltage version:
The TPS736xx uses an NMOS pass transistor to
achieve extremely low dropout. When (VIN – VOUT) is
less than the dropout voltage (VDO), the NMOS pass
device is in its linear region of operation and the
input-to-output resistance is the RDS-ON of the NMOS
pass element.
dVńdt +
COUT 80 kW ø R1 ) R2 ø RLOAD
For large step changes in load current, the TPS736xx
requires a larger voltage drop from VIN to VOUT to
Copyright © 2006–2009, Texas Instruments Incorporated
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